Felicia Roberts (Page 5)

Fluffy Kitten being held in a person's hand

Keeping things au naturale, is ideal for a fur baby. Natural flea treatments can be a life saver, for allergy sufferers, with two or four legs, alike. These natural flea treatments for cats or dogs, or whatever pet you chose, are great for keeping those pesky fleas in check! DiatomaceousContinue Reading

Woman standing in a field, holding a bouquet of baby's breath in front of her face so that only her eyes are showing

The use of yoni eggs may be thousands of years old, but there are those of us, (guilty as usual), that have been blissfully unaware of their existence. If nothing else, using yoni eggs is a great work out for your “love muscle”. But wait! There’s more! Different yoni eggContinue Reading

Rick Simpson Oil 6 week daily dosage chart

Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, for short, is a cannabis concentrate. Claims of individuals being cured of cancer, are often times attributed to the use of RSO. Some may, say that RSO is ineffective. I, however, have had the privilege of witnessing, the halt of cancer growth in an individualContinue Reading