Natural Cures (Page 2)


I want to be very clear on this. By no means am I suggesting that you should disregard the advice of your physician. As our individuality defines us, so do our needs. For some consulting a herbal medicine practitioner is sufficient for maintaining good health. Others may use a traditional MD, exclusively, and remain healthy. Both mediums have positive and negative aspects.

My “less is more” attitude carries over into all parts of my life. I believe in maintaining my own health using the least invasive treatment available to cure my ailments. I avoid medicating myself whenever possible. When I must take any medicine, I take the lowest effective dose. If I can cure my back ache with a massage, then bye bye drug store.

My preferences suit me. They may not be a good fit for you. You must get attuned to your body’s needs. Find your own balance of Alternative and Traditional medicine, and do what is right for YOU!

There are countless organic substances that have medicinal value. A single herb may help treat hundreds of different health conditions. Think of it as the universe’s way of acknowledging and catering to our unique needs.

Try the natural cures that our planet produces. Many of the drugs that are prescribed to us are synthesized versions of a natural material. Currently there are still prescribed medications that are comprised of materials from actual plants. For instance, Silver Birch bark, Pineapple, Cinnamon, Cocoa, and Periwinkle all have derivatives used in pharmaceuticals. Does it not make sense to start with the genuine article?

Learn some of those herbs and their uses. What you find may surprise you. Being aware of additional options when it comes to your health can help us make more informed decisions. When treatments prescribed by your MD aren’t effective for you, consider the unconventional.

More importantly, know that being hopeful and remaining positive, is the best way to begin mending an ailing body. Keep an open mind, and a caring heart. I wish you luck on your healing journey.

Ez Explanations

Natural Cures

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